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FaceBook SSL Requirements

From the 1st October 2011 FaceBook requires all Apps, elements and page tabs to use SSL so they can be accessed via https.

If your App or Page Tab does not use SSL then you are at risk of having it disabled. You can purchase a RapidSSL for as little as $10 a…

SSL Renewal Tips

Here are a few tips to ensure renewing your SSL certificate runs smoothly.

Generate a new CSR
When it comes time to renew generate a new CSR for your SSL certificate. Do not use an existing CSR you may have had from last year. This may not meet the new minimum key size…

Mozilla/Firefox to stop accepting MD5 hash algorithm from June 30, 2011

Mozilla will be disabling MD5 in their environment from June 30, 2011. This means that any SSL certificates containing an MD5 signature algorithm will not work in later FireFox browsers after that date.

RapidSSL now includes re-issuance at no extra cost

All RapidSSL certificates from ServerTastic now include unlimited self-service re-issues for the life of the certificate at no extra charge (from today 6 December 2010).

Important SSL Changes

There have been some significant changes to the SSL certificates supplied via ServerTastic. The most important point to make is that these changes do not affect any certificates already issued and installed.