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15 Essential IFTTT Recipes For Your eCommerce Store

If you’re not yet using IFTTT (If This Then That) to automate your digital tasks, you could stand to claw back hours of your valuable time every week by signing up for an account.

3 Ways Social Scheduling Can Go Seriously Wrong

Hootsuite, Buffer, IFTTT — there are dozens of social media scheduling tools to be found online. A handful of these tools are really rather sophisticated, which makes them virtually indispensable for busy businesses who want to maintain a vibrant…

Become a Bitly Power User

If you use twitter you have most likely come across bitly. This service allows you to turn long urls into short ones thereby saving on precious characters in your tweets.

However bitly allows you to do so much more than just shorten links. Using some of the…

How much would you pay to promote your Facebook Posts?

Some guy in the US Mark Cuban (I’m going to assume he is like the UK Peter Jones from Dragons Den) has made a very interesting observation about Facebook promoted posts.