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Why Your Certificate Authority Matters, Now More Than Ever

Originally posted on the Symantec Connect Blog by FranRosch

Last week the Certificate Authority / Browser Forum (CA/B) voted down a motion to extend a deadline for its members to sign an intellectual…

Symantec clarifies that SSL Security has not been breached following VeriSign Inc Announcement

News broke recently that Verisign, Inc. reported in their quarterly SEC filings that they had been victims of a security breach in 2010. At this time, Verisign, Inc…

Duqu: Protect Your Private Keys

Some of the files associated with the new W32.Duqu threat were signed with a private key. After intense investigation we concluded that the private key used for signing these Duqu files was stolen from a Symantec customer whose systems appear to have been compromised. The…

More on the Symantec purchase of VeriSign Security

Two exciting things have happened today. The Queen drove past the office and Symantec announced it’s purchase of VeriSign Security. I am guessing you are interested in what the Symantec/VeriSign deal means to ServerTastic and the SSL market…