Service Blueprint Drafts

To begin blueprinting our service, we first revised our service proposition to the following:

Our service provides actionable and educational materials to lower income alternative caregivers (grandparents) in order to help children better understand how to manage their asthma. Unlike other services, our service focuses on community organizations as a point of entry and analog material and data inputs.

While our service is still targeted at lower income alternative caregivers (such as grandparents), we’ve honed in on our touchpoints such that they are community based and primarily analog, in order to best accommodate the needs and desires of our target audience. Our primary touchpoints that we’re exploring right now are:

  1. In-person consultations with medical residents at the local food pantry
  2. Printed questionnaires to provide data to the medical resident
  3. Printed workbooks to help children and their caregivers learn about their asthma in a fun child-friendly format
  4. A hotline to enable caregivers to get on-demand advice
  5. A website that allows medical residents to keep track of data gathered at consultations as well as anonymously visualize data for the community
  6. Promotional, printed material to advertise when in-person consultations are occurring at the local food pantry

We create a number of blueprints in Mural to hone our service.

Scenario 1 Blueprint: When a child completes the first workbook
Scenario 2 Blueprint: When a caregiver visits a food pantry and learns about the service for the first time
Scenario 2 Blueprint Revised: Consultations are walk in only
Scenario 3 Blueprint: Caregiver learns about the service from another community member
Scenario 4 Blueprint: Caregiver calls the hotline after child has an asthma attack.

