SesameOpen Launches IEO with Dcoin Starting October 16th

SesameOpen Network
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2019

SesameOpen is excited to announce our partnership with Dcoin to conduct an initial exchange offering (IEO). We are particularly thrilled to start our IEO with Dcoin, as Dcoin’s global reach as an exchange reflects the global network that SesameOpen powers to enable the $100T+ community-driven Commerce 3.0 economy.

The SO token sale starts on October 16th, with tokens available for purchase with BTC, ETH or USDT at an equivalent rate of $0.06 per token. In addition, token buyers can receive reward token by participating in Dcoin and SesameOpen’s joint Raindrop program.

SesameOpen’s Raindrop program is a unique long-term token drop mechanism designed to reward loyal supporters who help the project achieve its goals. In celebration of our token sale partnership with Dcoin, all Dcoin users are eligible to receive the first Raindrop batch of 5 SO tokens (worth $0.30) and an entry into a lottery to win up to 5,000 SO tokens (worth $300).

In addition, Dcoin users are also eligible for the second Raindrop batch starting after the IEO period in which any user can form a community of SO token holders who stake token in order to receive a share of the second Raindrop batch of up to $25,000 in SO token. As part of this second batch, Community Leaders who have formed staking communities will receive additional tokens equivalent to 5% of the reward token dropped to their community members. The bigger the community and the more they stake, the more the Community Leader earns!

To qualify for each batch, Dcoin users must do the following:

Raindrop Batch 1: 5 SO tokens + entry into lottery for 5,000 SO tokens (running from now until IEO)

  • Join and stay in SesameOpen’s English-language Telegram or Korean-language Kakao or Telegram group
  • Fill out the Raindrop Participation form, providing your Telegram or Kakao ID and your Dcoin UID
  • After token sale, SesameOpen will do a random draw and announce the lottery winner
  • Dcoin will distribute the tokens to users, performing KYC/AML to ensure that users are eligible*

Raindrop Batch 2: Up to $25,000 in staking rewards + Community Leader bonus (will start after IEO period)

  • Join and stay in SesameOpen’s English-language Telegram or Korean-language Kakao or Telegram group
  • Stake SO tokens in a community-based smart contract
  • Become a Community Leader, register for a community-based smart contract, and encourage other token holders to stake in your community
  • Community Leaders receive an additional 5% of the amount dropped to their community (for example, if a community collectively received 10,000 SO tokens in the raindrop, the Community Leader would receive 500 SO tokens)
  • Users can withdraw the tokens from the smart contract at any time by going through KYC/AML at Dcoin

The full details of Raindrop Batch 2 and how to become a Community Leader will be available after our IEO ends. Future Raindrop batches will be continually announced as SesameOpen celebrates the launch of our protocol and growth of Commerce 3.0 by raindropping $1M in tokens over the course of a year.

For more information about the IEO or Raindrop, see Dcoin’s announcement about the token sale or join SesameOpen’s English-language Telegram or Korean-language Kakao or Telegram group.

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* Users from the following countries will not be able to participate in token sales for the IEO or Raindrop program: Afghanistan, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Korea, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

