Survival Mode

Danielle Morsberger
Set The Table
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2023

What to eat when you can’t prep

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I am a member of the ME/CFS community. Myalgic Encephalomyolitis, more commonly known as chronic fatigue sydrome. Calling ME chronic fatigue is akin to calling a category 5 hurricane a thunder storm. It doesn’t scratch the surface of the magnitude of what we’re living through.

If you have ME too and can’t handle reading much, skip down to the list below the dots.

In ME there is a malfunction with energy metabolism. Both mental and physical exertion can have profound repercussions. The most severely effected can’t tolerate listening to music, watching TV, light, or sound. Even just having another person in the room can be over stimulating and exacerbate their condition. Worse than that, the sickest among us don’t have the energy to consume food and are tube fed. Some of us have died because of malnutrition- digesting takes energy too.

For those that aren’t so severe that they need tube feeding but who can’t prepare food and spend most of their time in bed, eating is still a challenge. Food sensitivities are common and add another layer of difficulty and stress. Sugar is one thing many with ME are very sensitive too, and it is in everything in the US. Many of us going hungry but when you are this sick getting proper nutrition is even more important.

I am not a nutrition expert, but here are some general rules of thumb: eat a variety of colors, protein is needed for repair cells, real foods are better than processed if you have access to them, but as always, fed is best.

These are some things that I have found helpful:

1- Individually packaged smoothie mixes. Add water and blend. If you need protien, organic vegan powders like Orgain tend to be tolerated best. If you are losing or under weight, adding Klean Creatine can also help and will feed your muscles. These powders can be found on Amazon.

2- If smoothies are not possible for you to make, Klean Creatine can be added to water along with a nutrient blend like Body Revitalizer, Orgain Organic Super Food Powder, or Amazing Grass Greens Blend. This isn’t calorie dense, but is full of antioxidants. When taking creatine, higher water intake is needed.


3- If you can tolerate nuts, eat trail mix. I have an old plastic container that used to be filled with cashews that I keep at my bedside. When it needs to be replenished I pour in cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, unsweetened craisins, raisins, unsweetened coco nibs, and unsweetened coconut chips. Any dried fruits you like will do, but you want to aim for numerous different colored foods in your mix. Different colors mean a greater variety of nutrients.

4- Look for toddler snacks. Pouches of fruits and veggies along with toddler snack bars tend to have lower sugar content and a greater focus on nutrition than what you will find marketed for adults. The great thing about them is there is no prep what-so-ever, just open and throw away when you’re done. There are many different varieties, which is nice. I won’t lie and say they all taste good- they don’t- but eating isn’t about enjoyment when you’re stuck in survival mode.

5- Nutrition shakes from companies like Orgain, Kate Farms, Ka’Chava, and EquiLife have no or little prep. Some come premixed, so all you need to do it open and drink. Others you need to add to a shaker water bottle and mix.

6- Instant oatmeal cups. If you have an electric kettle you can keep nearby, instant oatmeal cups may be another option for you. RXBAR brand has oatmeal cups in a variety of flavors that are made with an egg white, almonds, dates, and oats. Bob’s Red Mill has gluten free oatmeal cups with flaxseeds and chia. Mylk Labs is another brand with gluten free oat cups, but does have sugar.

7- Pre-sliced apples and berries with nut or seed butter. This is nutrient dense, hydrating, with a healthy fat and bit of protien. Nut and seed butters will help with getting the calories you need in too.

8- RXBARS and Luna Bars are another decent no prep and clean up option.

Here’s hoping we do better with some ME survival nutrition.



Danielle Morsberger
Set The Table

partner, parent, neighbor, friend. Processing baker and poet, healing and whole. Disabled chronically ill. I am my own.