How Long Does It Really Take for a Woman to Open Up And Be Aroused?

My previous story created a heated debate around this question; let’s explore the truth.

Hakima T A N T R I K A
SEX Letters


Image by tugol from Shutterstock

In a previous story I wrote, These Foreplay Tips Will Put Any Woman in the Mood for Sex, I highlighted that “it takes about 20 to 30 minutes for women to open up and become aroused”.

This statement led to an heated debate and a conflict with my boyfriend and my therapist. Here are some of the comments I received:

“All the tips are correct but 20 to 30 mins to get her aroused? That’s too much time.. unless she’s your wife and you’re married for so long.”

And here is one woman’s answer to the previous comment:

“If 20–30 minutes is too long of a time to take to get your female partner aroused, you shouldn’t be having sex with women. Sex with you is likely something most ladies can’t wait to get over with anyway.”

As for my female therapist’s reaction:

“Women don’t need that long to be aroused. I know many women who love quickies, and it’s only a matter of desire”

And my boyfriend:

“Trust me, women don’t need that much time to get aroused. You don’t need 20 minutes, do you? Or are you…



Hakima T A N T R I K A
SEX Letters

Scholar-practitioner of Classical Tantra with 15 years' experience, launching Quantum Tantra, a 3-month online program for the down-to-earth spiritual seekers