9 Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills

Your partner will thank you

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by olly18 on DepositPhotos

Are you listening to your partner?

Your response to this question is probably “Of course I am! I listen to my partner every day.”

But do you really? Are you really listening?

When we think about communication in our relationships, we generally think about it in terms of how we speak to our partners. And of course, being able to talk to your partner openly and honestly is important for a great relationship. However, that’s only half of the communication equation: In order to really communicate effectively in your relationship, you need to be able to listen to what your partner has to say. The following are nine key ways you can open your ears and improve your listening skills.

Slow Down

One of the issues people may have when listening to their partner is that they are quick to answer, but slow to pay attention. Relationship and dating expert Lauren Peacock, author of Female. Likes Cheese. Comes with Dog.: Stories About Divorce, Dating, and Saying “I Do”*, says in order to improve your listening skills, you need to take things slow during your conversations — which may include not responding verbally at all.

“Each person has a unique sexual template that…

