3 Sex Partners to Be Thankful For

It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving to sing the praises of these lovers

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by xalanx on 123RF

This is the time of year that we reflect on our lives and celebrate the things we’re thankful for — and the partners who put in work to make our intimate moments the best they can be should be no exception. While bad sex partners may think it’s all about putting Tab A into Slot B, these lovers take the time to make sure they please you and give you a great experience in bed. The following are some ways they do it.

“Part of being a good partner means being in tuned equally with your own pleasure.” — Natalie Finegood Goldberg

Although a good lover is concerned about your pleasure, they are also aware of what they want in bed, and are able to balance the two to make sure that you’re both getting what you need.

“Sometimes people get particularly hung up on their partner’s experience, and while on one hand it’s important, on the other hand, if it becomes your primary focus, then it will derail your connection with your own pleasure,” said licensed marriage and family therapist Natalie Finegood Goldberg. “Part of being a good partner means being in tuned equally with your own pleasure, as well as you are to your partner’s, and…

