When Going on a First Digital Date, Time Is of the Essence

You don’t have long to make a good first impression on a video chat date

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Man and woman talking online and trying to impress each other on a digital first date
Photo by konstantynov on DepositPhotos

We all know that first impressions are important when going on a date, and these impressions can form almost instantly. Normally, people will give a first date about 25 minutes before deciding if they have a connection with someone. That’s a lot of pressure to deal with when getting to know someone, and if you decide you want to have a first date digitally, the tough terrain becomes even more brutal.

If you think going on a digital date may be smooth sailing compared to meeting someone for the first time in person, think again. While in person, you get almost a half hour to make a good first impression, during a video chat date, you have an instant. In fact, according to a survey of 1,000 people conducted by Virgin Media, daters will decide if they have a spark with someone within 30 seconds of starting the date.

“With a little practice and polish, it’s absolutely possible to make deeply meaningful, valuable, lasting connections online.”

That’s right, you have less than a minute to develop a connection with someone during a video date. But that doesn’t mean it has to…

