Quickie: Good Sex Tied to Empathy of Love Languages

Couples willing to fulfill each other’s love languages enjoy better sex and relationships

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by bezzznika on DepositPhotos

The key to boosting your sex life may not be in the bedroom; it may be the empathy you display outside of the bedroom by fulfilling your partner’s preferred love languages.

In a study published in PLOS One, 100 couples aged 17 to 58, who have been in their relationship between 6 months and 24 years, were asked questions about the love languages — words of affirmation, spending quality time together, gift-giving, acts of service, and physical touch — that make them feel most loved by their partner, as well as the love languages they prefer to use when expressing love to their partner.

“Our findings suggest that people who better match each other’s preferences for love languages are more satisfied with their relationships and sexual life.”

The results of the questionnaire found that when people’s partners used the love language they preferred to receive, they experienced greater sexual and relationship satisfaction than those who did not. Similarly, respondents who used their partner’s preferred love languages also reported having…

