How Prepared Are Couples for Cohabitation?

The success of the relationship may be in the details

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


A man and a woman sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes
Photo by gpointstudio on DepositPhotos

You’re madly in love with your partner and you want to spend all of your free time with them. After a while of this relationship bliss, you want to move in with them and take the relationship to the next level. But are you really prepared to make that big step?

Despite how people may feel about their partner or the relationship, chances are, they may not be prepared for the realities of living together. In fact, according to a survey of 2,000 people who live with their partner conducted by Lemonade, 31 percent said they just ended up moving in together gradually over time without having any formal conversation about cohabitating. As a result, 19 percent regret the way they handled cohabitation because they didn’t have these vital talks about how to deal with living under the same roof.

“Whatever conversations you have or haven’t had up until now, it’s imperative that you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to everyday responsibilities.”

And what are the topics they should have talked about before moving in?

