How Women Really Feel About Period Sex

From feeling ashamed to sexy, women share experiences of sex during menstruation

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


A maxi pad, which women can use before having sex on their period, with red star-shaped sparkles placed on a pink background to represent menstruation
Photo by Kokulina on DepositPhotos

Have you had sex while on your period? Or have you had sex with someone who was? Although people may be open about many sexual activities these days, a survey of 2,000 women shows that sex during menstruation is still something many feel squeamish about.

In fact, this topic seems to be so taboo that 70 percent of women have never even brought up the subject of period sex with a partner. And there’s a good reason for that: Many women have experienced highly negative reactions when they did talk about it.

Shaming period sex has been far from uncommon for women, with 42 percent reporting they’ve been shamed for suggesting period sex. This shame has come in the form of being called gross (22 percent), dirty (18 percent), and disgusting (17 percent). However, the feedback has not been all negative, as seven percent of women say they’ve been told they’re beautiful for having this challenging sex conversation about their period.

How Women Feel About Period Sex

