Quickie: Do Asexual Couples Enjoy Satisfying Relationships?

Research explores what happens when sex is out of the equation

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Man and woman embracing in bed (relationships, sex, asexual, relationship satisfaction)
Photo by boggy22 on DepositPhotos

Although we know that sex isn’t the only part of the glue that holds relationships together, it’s still an important one — and not having it often means relationship potential just won’t stick.

So what does that mean for the one percent of the population that doesn’t have any feelings of sexual attraction? How do asexual relationships fare when it comes to satisfaction and longevity?

A study in Frontiers in Psychology sought to find out.

“Although asexuals don’t have the desire for sexual relationships, they nevertheless form romantic relationships and those connections look at least somewhat similar to non-asexuals’ romantic relationships,” said researcher William Chopik.

“The same ingredients predict success in these relationships, so they’re not weird, bizarre, worse than or much different at all from non-asexual people’s relationships.”

During his study, Chopik and his colleague, Alexandra Brozowski, looked at the experiences of 485 asexual people in romantic relationships to find out what…

