Quickie: Do Your Coworkers Care About Your Office Romance?

Research reveals people’s real feelings about workplace relationships

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by AndreyPopov on DepositPhotos

Are you in an office romance and afraid of what your coworkers will think about it? Are you sneaking with your sweetie into the copy room to avoid peering eyes and gossipy whispers? According to a study conducted by Canadian researcher Nina Cole, there’s no need to be clandestine about your workplace lover because most coworkers simply are not worried about these office relationships.

“Most people believe romantic relationships are okay as long as they don’t affect productivity, demotivate other colleagues, or have an impact on the overall work environment,” she said.

“There are specific situations when coworkers perceive that managerial action should be taken.”

In her study, Cole asked 100 respondents about office romances and when they can be considered disruptive in the workplace. According to her findings, most workers have a live and let live attitude about workplace romance — unless the relationship affects productivity, or creates a negative work environment during the relationship or if the relationship ends. In these cases, workers believe that bosses should step in to intervene.

