Quickie: How Often Do People Clean Their Sex Toys?

Survey shows not nearly enough

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by YuriiRakovskyi on DepositPhotos

I always assumed it was a given that people will clean their sex toys every time they’ve had their fun with them. It can be tedious and it certainly isn’t sexy, but I would have never guessed the results of a study conducted by Adam & Eve on how often people actually clean their adult toys.

“I can’t stress how important it is to clean your sex toys after each use.” — Dr. Jenni Skyler

After surveying 1,000 American adults, the sex toy company found that 58 percent of respondents (49 percent of men and 65 percent of women) say that they clean their toys every time they use them. However, 10 percent of people asked the question (11 percent of the men and about nine percent of the women) said they only clean their sex toys once in a while and a whole 33 percent (40 percent of women and 26 percent of men) said they never, ever clean their toys after enjoying some fun time.

In light of these results, Adam & Eve’s sexologist Dr. Jenni Skyler emphasizes the importance of keeping your sex toys clean after every single use.

“I can’t stress how important it is to clean your sex toys after each use,” she said. “Besides helping your toys last longer, this…

