Thanksgiving Sex and Relationship Shenanigans Lead to Lockup

When holiday passions run too high, legalities ensue

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by AndreyPopov on DepositPhotos

Now that Thanksgiving is over and we’re using leftovers to make turkey sandwiches, we’re hearing stories about how people spent the holiday. Some stuffed their faces all day. Some enjoyed holiday sex with their partner. Some had failed attempts at turkey deep frying. But for some people, the holiday was plagued by relationship drama and sexcapades that led to a holiday visit to a holding cell. These are their stories.

When the police arrived, the man did admit that his girlfriend’s “story was correct regarding the oral sex”….

Turkey Time Treat Turns Turbulent

Although it’s more polite to wait for your significant other to join you at the Thanksgiving table before you dig in, sometimes you just can’t wait. But there will most likely be consequences, especially if your other half has anger issues like Jack-Lyn Blake. When she discovered that her boyfriend, Benjamin Smith, began feasting on their Thanksgiving meal while she was passed out drunk, she flew into a rage, chased him around the dinner table with a knife, and stabbed him. Smith called the police and when they arrived, Blake…

