5 Sexy Dates That Are Absurdly Overrated

I like these dates but they are way overblown.

Christopher Kokoski


Couple having a romantic date in a hot tub — 5 Sexy Dates That Are Absurdly Overrated
Image by Author via Canva

Going out on a romantic, sexy date is supposed to be a unique and enjoyable experience for both partners.

However, some dates that are hyped up way more than they deserve.

Whether it’s restaurants serving overly expensive food or activities that don’t live up to expectations, these five most overrated romantic dates might leave you feeling underwhelmed and disappointed.

Here are five sexy dates that are good but overblown (pun intended).

The Ultra Fancy Restaurant Date

With its opulent atmosphere, fine dining options, and impressive wine list, taking your date out to an upscale restaurant sounds like the perfect way to show them you care.

That is until you realize just how expensive it can be.

Sometimes the atmosphere is so stuffy you can cut it with a knife. Sometimes you can’t relax, which isn’t really sexy at all (to me).

While the grand setting might make you feel like you’re in a romantic fairytale and will bring back sweet memories later, chances are it won't be worth the high price tag.

There are plenty of other venues with equally amazing atmospheres without having to break the bank.

It’s nearly impossible to feel sexy during (and after) the date when you have to claim bankruptcy for half a sliver of asparagus.

The Movie Theatre Date

When done right, taking your date out for a movie night can be entertaining and memorable.

Getting frisky in the dark or sneaking off to the bathrooms for some…refreshments…has its sexy, rule-breaking appeal.

Unfortunately, going out to the movies also often entails uncomfortable seating arrangements and overpriced snacks, leaving both people feeling cramped and ripped off.

Not relaxed or entertained.

Consider instead hosting a movie night at home where all the prerequisites—snacks (of all varieties…wink wink) included—are taken care of.

The Picnic Date

Nothing screams romance quite like eating lunch outdoors surrounded by nature… until pests come along and ruin everything.

Bug bites aside though, most couples love picnics because of their simplicity and ease. But sometimes this simplicity leads to dates that lack excitement or conversation topics.

And no one wants dinner al-fresco if there’s nothing interesting to talk about afterward.

Instead of opting for an outdoor dinner just for novelty's sake try adding interesting elements such as board games, star gazing, short nearby hikes, or other exciting activities.

Plus, getting lost in the woods together might spark a little sexual adventure.

Naked hide-and-seek anyone?

The Amusement Park Date

In theory, going out for a day of amusement park rides should be incredibly fun and sexy, but in reality, can turn into an exhausting experience full of long lines and screaming children (or adults).

The energy can be electrifying — for a short period of time.

However, it might not be as sexy or romantic as you think.

For starters, all of the bright lights, loud music, and chaos can be overwhelming if you’re trying to keep up conversations.

Additionally, many amusement parks are so crowded that it becomes difficult to find a spot alone or even together if you don’t book tickets beforehand.

There might also be some safety concerns depending on the environment of the park.

Rides could malfunction.

Other people’s behavior might be unpredictable. As much fun as it may seem, an amusement park date can take away from the true purpose of the outing which is spending some peaceful quality time in each other’s company.

The Hot Tub Date

Though hot tub dates might look like an attractive idea, especially when portrayed in the movies, they tend to be less than romantic in real life.

First off, long conversations can get cut short because of the steamy air, making it difficult to bear staying in the tub for too long.

Additionally, you’ll need to make sure that the water temperature is comfortable for both parties.

Not too hot and not too cold.

Also, it may not be as fulfilling as expected since physical contact is somewhat restricted due to all the bubbles. Plus, the water can remove the physical sensation of sex making it feel like you are having sex with a slip-N-slide.

Not that I know what that feels like 😆.

Furthermore, there are hygiene concerns since a number of people could have been using that same hot tub before you got your chance.

To avoid any letdowns or disappointments on this special occasion consider keeping your hot tub time short and relaxing, then move to other places or activities that would help you have one-on-one time with your partner without the downsides of the hot tub.

Final Thoughts

At their core, all romantic dates should strive to provide moments that make us feel understood, loved, and appreciated by our partners.

This is why certain overrated dates should be shrugged off in favor of ones that promise real connection rather than shallow entertainment.

From tasty picnic dinners at home with homemade goodies to movie nights punctuated with thoughtful conversations and naked Olympics, it’s all about what makes both people feel special together.

Not what looks perfect on Instagram stories.

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Christopher Kokoski

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