8 Sensual Touches That Make Men Melt

Use these five touches to drive him wild

Christopher Kokoski


Man and woman in bed together — 8 Sensual Touches That Make Men Melt
Image by the Author using Canva

Do you want to make the man in your life go weak in the knees?

Send shivers down his spine with these eight sensual touches that make men melt. In this article, we’ll explore why these touches are so powerful and how you can use them to supercharge sensuality.

Put your love and desire into action by showing your man just how much he means to you.

Here are eight touches that drive men wild.

The Sexy Neck Nuzzle

The neck is one of the most sensitive areas on a person’s body.

So, it’s no surprise that giving your man a gentle nuzzle will make him feel loved.

This simple gesture communicates sensual affection without being overly sexual, making it perfect for those moments when you want to show your man how much he means to you.

One thing I love about the sexy neck nuzzle is how it activates a man’s desire to feel wanted AND to feel like a protector.

The Playful Nudge

A gentle nudge of his shoulder or hand can be an incredibly intimate gesture for a man because it signals that you feel safe enough with them to get close and playful.

Don’t underestimate how much men like this kind of playful comfort.

It signals to him that you feel safe around him, safe enough to let down your guard. Again, this lights up his internal sensors for attraction, fun, and masculine energy.

This touch also creates a sense of erotic connection between two people.

Sexy play is one of my favorite ways to enjoy some adult time with a partner. There’s a reason people say, “Couples who play together stay together.”

Sensual Stroke of the Body

This simple, yet powerful, touch is a great way to broadcast to your man that you care.

Stroking the arm is a way of demonstrating your affection in a gentle, non-intrusive way. It’s subtle in a very sexy way. It is a great way to let him know that you are paying attention to him and that you are there for him.

The stroke can be slow and steady or it can be a whisper of a touch.

For example, trailing the tips of your fingers up his arm or gently kneading his thigh.

Of course, you can stroke any part of his body (points for creativity).

Any way you cut it, a sensual stroke is sure to make your man feel special and highly desired. One of the best parts about a sensual stroke is that it doesn’t require any words.

It’s just a little gesture that tells your man that you are thinking about him.

It can be the perfect way to start an intimate moment. He will feel the warmth and affection radiating from your touch and it will fill him with joy.

He will be sure to melt at your tender touch.

The Rub Down

An erotic massage is one of the five powerful touches.

By gently massaging your man’s shoulders, neck, legs, or back, you can show him that you care about his comfort and well-being.

A sensual rub down is a great way to show your affection, and it can be a very intimate and comforting experience for both of you. When performing the massage, start with light but firm pressure.

Begin at the base of the neck and use long, smooth strokes to massage the shoulder, gradually moving down the arm.

You can also use circular motions to move the muscles and help to alleviate any stiffness or tension.

To take it one step further, you can use essential oils to create an even more relaxing and soothing experience.

As your man relaxes, you can enjoy the closeness and intimacy that the massage brings.

Soft Kiss on the Cheek

Nothing says “I care about you” quite like planting an unexpected kiss on his cheek when he least expects it.

A gentle kiss on the cheek conveys sincerity and appreciation better than any words could ever do justice. Plus, it’ll leave him feeling warm and fuzzy inside knowing that he has someone who cherishes him wholeheartedly.

A soft kiss on the cheek is a simple but meaningful gesture that can make your man feel loved and appreciated.

It’s a way of saying “I’m here for you” or “I care about you” without having to use words.

When used frequently, this small act can become a crucial part of a couple’s relationship — reminding them of the love they share and helping them to stay connected even when they can’t be together.

It’s an intimate gesture that will make him feel validated and loved. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just starting out, a simple kiss on the cheek can trigger intense feelings of fondness.

Tousle His Hair

A playful tousle of the hair can be a great way to show your man that you are happy to be with him and that you find him attractive.

This tactile way of showing affection can be just the ticket to drive your man wild. The sensation of your fingers running through his hair and gently tugging on the strands can be a great way to get his motor running.

Not only will it send tingles through his body, but it can also show him that you are paying attention and that you are interested in him physically.

Use it as an opportunity to engage him in flirty conversation.

Whisper sweet nothings into his ear and make him feel like the most important person in your life.

Whether you’re out on a date or just cuddling on the couch, a playful tousle of the hair will give your man the reassurance he needs to know that he’s your one and only.

Maybe it’s a bit ironic that a bald man would go on so long about hair touseling.

For us smooth-shaven men (or at least me), we like when our partners rub our bald heads and play with our beards. In fact, playing with any part of our bodies is a safe bet for helping us feel ultra sexy.

Erotic Hold of the Hand

Believe it or not, a gentle hold of the hand is one of the most powerful and intimate ways of expressing affection and love.

It is a simple yet powerful gesture that conveys a deep level of understanding and support. Holding our hand can be incredibly calming and reassuring, making your man feel safe and secure.

It lets your man know that you are there for him and that you are supportive of him.

To take it a step further, play with our fingers or stroke our palms. Move our hands to somewhere on your body that you want to be touched — whether that is your neck, butt, inner thigh, or somewhere more intimate.

The “Just Because” Hug

This hug goes beyond any other hug because it doesn’t require any specific occasion—it just happens out of pure love for each other.

An unexpected hug from time to time reminds your man how much he means to you and makes him feel special even when there isn’t anything in particular going on in either of your lives at the moment.

Guys, myself included, can be strange creatures.

We struggle to open up and express our emotions, often feeling awkward at the thought of talking about or showing how we truly feel.

That’s likely why a random “just because” hug from someone close to us can mean so much; it’s an unexpected gesture that thoroughly expresses our love for one another in a way that we don’t quite understand but simply feel.

I am always pleasantly taken aback when someone I am dating randomly embraces me out of nowhere, yet at the same time it communicates an understanding and shared connection between us that transcends words.

It’s a silent reminder that I am loved — no matter what — in what may be one of the most powerful ways possible.

Other Erotic Touches To Try

You need not limit yourself to these eight sensual touches.

Most guys will be happy with any type of positive physical connection. In case you want a little inspiration, try these other erotic touches.

Erotic touches to try:

  • Nibbling his earlobe
  • Playing with his nipples
  • Grabbing his butt
  • Massaging his balls
  • Gently biting him (probably avoid sensitive areas — unless he’s into it)



Christopher Kokoski

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