Gooning Sex Guide: What Is Gooning?

Everything you ever wanted to know about gooning

Christopher Kokoski


Close up face pic of a woman in pink hair — Gooning Sex Guide: What Is Gooning?
Image by Author via Canva

Just when you thought you knew everything about sex, here comes gooning.

Gooning is part tantric sex, part repeated self-pleasure to the point of trance.

This gooning sex guide will teach you everything you need to know about gooning — what it is, how to do it, best tips, and more.

What Is Gooning? (Gooning Meaning)

At its most basic, gooning is repeated masturbation to almost orgasm, then stopping, and starting again, until you or another person is in a trance-like state of ecstasy.

It’s edging on steroids (metaphorically).

The goal is to prolong the experience of pleasure as long as possible, rather than going for the quick release of orgasm.

Gooning can be enjoyed by people of all genders and sexual orientations.

There are several different ways to goon. You can do it by yourself, with a partner, or even with a group of people. And you can do it with any combination of hands, mouths, toys, or whatever else you’re into.

Why Is It Called Gooning?

The sexual practice is called gooning because you look like a goon doing it.

You have, in kink parlance, a “goon face.”

Being in a gooning trance is said to resemble a zombie lumbering forward with a single-minded purpose. Just like a zombie is focused on one thing (brains!), you’re focused on one thing (orgasm!).

7 Types of Gooning

There are actually several types of gooning.

No gooning guide would be complete without a rundown of the most popular types.

Solo Gooning

Solo gooning is gooning all by yourself.

Although the term “gooning” is relatively new, the concept of solo sexual ecstasy is something that has been around for centuries.

In its simplest form, gooning is the act of masturbating to the point of near orgasm and then letting yourself “flip” into a trance-like state. This can be done with or without visual stimulation, but the key is to reach that point of almost climax and then let your mind take over.

For many people, this flipping into a hypnosis-like state is what allows them to explore their deepest sexual fantasies and desires. And because it’s all happening in your own head, there are no limits to what you can imagine.

Mutual Gooning

Mutual gooning is gooning with another person.

You can perform solo gooning in the same area, watching each other, or you can goon each other.

You can even get a third or fourth party involved with gooning the both of you.

Sissy Gooning

Sissies are usually men who dress up in women's clothing and adopt traditional feminine mannerisms and behavior. Sissy gooning is a sexual practice whereby a man masturbates while wearing women’s clothing.

This can be done for sexual gratification or as part of a submissive/dominant role-play dynamic.

Sissy gooning can be an extremely erotic and pleasurable experience for both partners involved.

Gay Gooning

Gay gooning is traditionally gooning between two gay men.

Of course, the term “gay” can include both men who like men and women who like women.

Bi gooning is traditionally gooning between two bisexual women. But it can now describe both men and women. Either way, gooning can be a fun and sexy way to get off, and it can also be a way to bond with other people who enjoy masturbating.

Female Gooning

Female gooning is gooning by one or more women.

It’s the same masturbation practice applied to women. Sometimes this is also called girl gooning.

Femdom Gooning

Femdom gooning is a sexual activity involving a dominant woman and a submissive man.

The woman will typically instruct the man on what to do and how to please her, and the man will comply with her wishes. This can involve anything from performing oral sex to dressing up in costumes or role-playing scenarios.

Femdom gooning can be performed in person or online, and it can be an incredibly erotic and satisfying experience for both parties involved.

In terms of gooning, a dominant woman will “command” when the submissive man can and can not orgasm.

Gooning Party

You guessed it!

A gooning party is a get-together of usually three or more people to solo goon, goon swap, or engage in an all-out gooning orgy.

This Is Why You Should Try Gooning

Most obviously, it feels incredibly good.

Gooning can be an extremely pleasurable experience.

The sexual practice allows both partners to prolong the pleasure of sexual stimulation.

In a way, gooning is practice for longer sex.

Not to mention more intense orgasms during or at the end of a sexual encounter.

Additionally, gooning can help to increase intimacy and connection between partners, as it requires a high level of communication and trust. It can help you explore and test your boundaries in the bedroom.

You can even use gooning as a puzzle piece in your overall kink repository.

Here’s How To Start Gooninig (Gooning Guide)

If you’re new to gooning, the best way to start is by trying it by yourself.

Experiment with different strokes and speeds, and pay attention to what gets you close to the edge without going over. Once you’ve got the hang of it solo, you can start incorporating gooning into your sex life with a partner.

First of all, make sure you have plenty of time set aside for your session.

This isn’t something you want to rush.

Use plenty of lube — you’re going to be putting your hands (and/or other body parts) to work for an extended period of time, so you’ll need to make sure everything stays slick and comfortable.

Be prepared for some intense sensations.

If you’ve never experienced anything like this before, it can be overwhelming (in a good way). But as long as you go slowly and listen to your body, you’ll likely have an amazing time.

On that note, start slowly and build up to longer periods of stimulation.

If you include a partner, it’s important to communicate what you’re comfortable with and what you expect from the experience. I also recommended that you establish a safe word or signal that either you or your partner can use to take a break.

Best Gooning Tips

Here is a list of my best gooning tips:

  • Goon alone so that you can be as loud as you want.
  • Don’t worry if you orgasm sooner than you want (especially the first few times. Gooning takes practice).
  • Pay very close attention to what happens in your body right before you orgasm. You’ll learn when to stop.
  • Create a gooning cave where you can goon in private without interruption.
  • Experiment with different ways of gooning (with or without videos and toys, for example).
  • Gooning is very personal (feel free to goon to your imagination, feet pics, or your favorite 80s celebrity crush)

Gooning FAQs

In this section of the gooning guide, I’ll answer some of the most common questions people ask about gooning.

What Are Gooning Porn Videos?

Gooning porn videos are those that show one or more people in an altered state of consciousness, usually due to sexual activity.

Gooning porn is about porn stars entering a sexually-induced trance.

The videos often show people in a deep state of ecstasy, often with their eyes rolled back and their mouths open.

Gooning porn can be incredibly arousing for some people, as it’s a very intense form of sexuality. It can also be quite visually stimulating, as it often shows people in various states of undress and in very intimate positions.

What Are Gooning Loops?

Gooning loops mean two different things.

They can mean a playlist of gooning porn videos that automatically run in a never-ending loop.

Or, gooning loops can refer to multiple rounds (or cycles) of edging.

These gooning loops ultimately result in a gooning trance.

What Is a Gooning Cave?

A gooning cave is like a “man cave” or “woman cave” specifically designed and purposed for gooning.

It can be a solo gooning cave or a cave built for gooning parties.

Usually, it’s an extra room in a house or a basement area. There are soft surfaces, adult toys, music, and plenty of lube.

What Is a Gooning Soundgasm?

A gooning soundgasm is usually an audio recording of a gooning session.

It can also be a mix of several gooning sessions.

Some people get off by listening to other people get off. Nothing wrong with that.

There are entire subreddits and websites full of user-generated gooning audio.

Not that I would know anything about that. 😉

Is Gooning the Same as Edging?

When it comes to sexual activities, there are a lot of terms that get thrown around.

For those who are new to the scene, it can be hard to keep track of all the lingo. Two terms that are often used interchangeably are “gooning” and “edging.”

But are they really the same thing?

In short, no. Gooning is not the same as edging. However, gooning does involve edging.

To properly goon, you bring yourself to the edge of orgasm again and again until you trigger a hypnotic state. This state is often described as being in “the zone” or “flow state.”



Christopher Kokoski

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