SF Cooking School
SF Cooking
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2015


You may remember this post, when we talked about all the great advice we’ve gotten from chefs for success in the kitchen, and in life. Well we thought it would be just as helpful to hear from students themselves. As classes graduate and move on, and as new students prepare to embark on their new adventure, there is always a sense of passing on the torch. We thought it would be helpful to capture some of their best advice, and pay forward all those valuable lessons learned.

So read on, pass it along, and please share your own words of wisdom!

15 Lessons Learned in Cooking School: For Students By Students

1. Practice your knife skills

2. Don’t be afraid to cut yourself

3. Don’t try to catch a falling knife

4. The mandolin is sharp…for real!

5. Use more salt…and butter.

6. Keep your kitchen shoes clean

7. Play with your food.

8. If you can’t talk and work at the same time, don’t talk.

9. Help your classmates.

10. Don’t let your cartouche catch on fire.

11. Don’t be a recipe robot.

12. Don’t commit to your mistakes.

13. Keep your knives sharp.

14. Work clean and organized from the start.

15. Don’t be afraid to fail.

Learn more about our Professional Culinary and Pastry Programs
at SF Cooking School.

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