‘Are you a man or not?’ Fierce young woman cheered for standing up to perv on Beijing Metro

Rather than pretend like nothing had happened, the girl immediately went on the offensive

2 min readApr 25, 2018


In recent weeks, perverts and creeps have been popping up all around China. On Monday night, one courageous young woman demonstrated how they should be dealt with.

Inside a crowded Beijing subway train during the evening rush hour, the young woman was groped by fellow passenger. Rather than pretend like nothing had happened, she immediately went on the offensive, bombarding him with questions and demands, challenging him to apologize and to admit what he had done.

“You think you can bully girls like me?” she asks the man. “Do you dare admit? Are you a man or not?”

“If you won’t say anything, then you can come to the police station with me,” she adds.

The fellow commuter who filmed the video said that he was extremly impressed by the young woman’s courage and manner in dealing with situation, adding that he wanted to share the footage online so that other girls could see how to stand up to perverts on public transportation.

He also said that, in the end, the girl ended up dragging the guy off of the subway with her, presumably heading for the nearest police station.

Weibo users were equally impressed with the young woman, calling her “bold” and “fierce,” believing that the creep would at least think twice before grabbing another girl on the subway.

Watch on QQ video.

Earlier this month, after groping a girl on a public bus in Sichuan, another creep was surrounded by fellow passengers who made sure that he couldn’t escape while the bus driver delivered him straight to the police.

[Images via Btime.com]

