Kindergarten teacher forces kid to drink boiling water for talking to his friends in class

Whatever happened to just giving kids timeout?
2 min readMay 7, 2018


Another Chinese kindergarten teacher is in trouble after using boiling water to punish a child.

A mother in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, given the pseudonym Li, says that her child returned home one day last month from kindergarten reluctant to eat dinner, complaining that his throat hurt. The following day, a doctor found that the kid’s throat was swollen and blistered, making it difficult for him to swallow.

When his mother asked him how he had hurt his throat, the boy answered that for talking to his friends during his class, his teacher had forced him to drink boiling water. Because he could not drink the cup fast enough, he was made to drink a total of four cups of scalding water. Meanwhile, his four friends were made to drink one cup each.

Afterward, the teacher attempted to apologize to the parents of the five children, however Li was having none of it. The teacher has been suspended and police are conducting an investigation into the incident.

In addition, the kindergarten has repeatedly refused to provide the media with copies of the teacher’s credentials — likely because she has none.

Watch on QQ video.

While child abuse is unfortunately nothing particularly unusual at Chinese kindergartens, one case particularly horrified the nation last month after a 4-year-old boy was dragged into his school’s boiler room by his teacher for a scolding, and reemerged with severe burns covering 20% of his body.

