WATCH: Man uses his body to protect wife, child when Taiwan earthquake hits

In a flash, the man rushed across the room and dove on the bed to safeguard his family
1 min readFeb 7, 2018


Last night, a mother in Taiwan’s Hualien city was sleeping in a bed with her young child when a massive, 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck.

By the time that she awoke, began to register what was going on, and grabbed for her baby, her husband, who had been working on a computer on the other side of the room had rushed over and dove on top of her and their child to protect them with his body.

Just as the husband reaches the bed, the quake takes down the surveillance camera that was recording the frightening scene. While it’s not clear what happened to the family afterward, it’s likely that they are ok considering that this footage has made its way online.

Watch on QQ video.

As of earlier this afternoon, at least 4 people were killed by the earthquake, which caused multiple buildings to collapse in Hualien, trapping people inside. Around 60 remain missing as emergency responders are still working to search through the disaster area.

