Woman beats up kid who stopped her son from cutting in line at slide

The mom tried to push her kid into the middle of the line, but the girls waiting for the slide were having none of it

2 min readMay 4, 2018


A mother didn’t exactly set a good example for her young son last month when she beat up a little girl for stopping them from cutting in line.

The incident occurred on April 19th in the city of Changsha. A group of children on a school outing were lined up waiting for their turn to go on a slide when a woman in a red hat came by with her son and tried to place him into the middle of queue.

However, the little girls apparently weren’t having it. As the mom started to walk away with her son, one of the girls made an additional comment which caused the woman to wheel around, shove the kid to the floor and give her a kick before fleeing the scene.

Watch on QQ video.

According to the local Xiaoxiang Morning Post, a teacher was then forced to call the 9-year-old girl’s mom and tell her that her daughter, Meng Meng, had been beaten up — by an adult.

Later, the mother said to reporters that her child had told her what she had said that apparently set the woman off: “Don’t cut the queue, everyone else is waiting in line.”

The mother also added that her child now suffers from nightmares in the wake of the incident and has called on the woman who hit her daughter to step forward and apologize.

Earlier this week, some net users spoke up in favor of a man who slammed a little boy to the ground on a public bus in Sichuan before stomping on his head, arguing that the “brat” got what was coming to him after he lightly kicked the man.

However, this woman has got no such sympathy, with Chinese netizens worrying about what kind of son she will raise.

