Go to Share&Charge
Seamless, Smart & Green Charging — Share&Charge is curating the Open Charging Network to enable the highest level of interoperability and transparency in electric mobility.
Note from the editor

Share&Charge is an open network enabling mobility companies to offer a seamless, secure & smart charging experience

Go to the profile of MotionWerk
Shared Mobility connecting everyone! We enable the future of mobility based on blockchain solutions.
Go to the profile of Brock Lumbers
Brock Lumbers
Process Engineer. Interested in hydrogen production, renewable energy and decarbonisation topics in the energy sector.
Go to the profile of Micha Roon
Micha Roon
Chief Innovation Officer at Energy Web researching solutions to build the decentralised infrastructure to decarbonise the grid
Go to the profile of Dietrich Sümmermann
Dietrich Sümmermann
Seamless & sustainable mobility enthusiast with a faible for distributed ledger technology and business models
Go to the profile of Christopher Burgahn
Christopher Burgahn
Entrepreneur. Bridge builder. Passionate about open sustainable innovation.
Go to the profile of Dietrich Sümmermann
Dietrich Sümmermann
Seamless & sustainable mobility enthusiast with a faible for distributed ledger technology and business models
Go to the profile of Micha Roon
Micha Roon
Chief Innovation Officer at Energy Web researching solutions to build the decentralised infrastructure to decarbonise the grid
Go to the profile of Kilian Schmück
Kilian Schmück
Researching Decentralization and Platform Economics at the Institute of Technology Management, University of St.Gallen