
A Free Verse Poem Response to Neha Sandhir S ‘Never-Ending Poem’ thread Promise

James G Brennan
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Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2020


Photo by Ivan Vranić on Unsplash

They look into the camera lens
With honed expressions of honesty,
Make their promises
For you to believe, crossed fingers
Behind their spineless backs
Spewing their lies in what must be
The third person, surely
They can not perform the acts
Of their father with conscience clear?

Off-camera and out of sight
I’m sure the horns come out
And the tail is released as they
Celebrate their twisted deceit,
Snorting like demented
Bulls to the red cape of their father
Suckling on his horn of plenty, unabashed
Until satisfied and ready for the next barrage
Of lies and promises to be broken.

Thank you for reading. J.

Thank you to Neha Sandhir S for this never-ending, never-ending, poem challenge “Promise”

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the challenge of Martin Rushton that thoughts acquire speed, the mind acquires,
words, words become writing. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Name that re-worked quote, a clue? It's a movie, another clue, Sci-Fi…

From Neha Sandhir S

From Martin Rushton

As is tradition… I would like to graciously invite you Titans Jenny Justice Timothy Key Dionne Charlet T. Mark Mangum Chirag Harley King Mary McGrath Pierre Trudel Vivi Ambelioti Richard L. Boyer to write a piece on
Truth or Dare, or Truth, or, Dare. I dare you!

Thank you so very much for reading. J.

Thank you for your support and for giving my words a home!
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James G Brennan
Share The Love

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.