Go to Shared Parental Life
Shared Parental Life
Trying to do things equally in a not-so-equal world
Note from the editor

Trying to do things equally in a not-so-equal world

Go to the profile of Jessica Abelscroft
Jessica Abelscroft
Communications and Engagement @CitizensAdvice. Trustee @CharityComms. Transatlantic transplant. #E17 dweller. All views my own.
Go to the profile of Darryl Abelscroft
Darryl Abelscroft
Reducing violence at @wfcouncil. Seconded from @BEIS.
Go to the profile of Jessica Abelscroft
Jessica Abelscroft
Communications and Engagement @CitizensAdvice. Trustee @CharityComms. Transatlantic transplant. #E17 dweller. All views my own.
Go to the profile of Darryl Abelscroft
Darryl Abelscroft
Reducing violence at @wfcouncil. Seconded from @BEIS.