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We’ve moved out of private beta!

Around 7 weeks ago, we launched Sharesies in private beta. This meant that people would register on our website and then wait for an invite before getting started.

This was so we could make sure things were performing the way they should before…

The Loop Issue # 11

Keeping you in the loop with Sharesies.

💖 Investing

Our Vision: We want someone with $50 to have the same investment opportunities as someone with $50,000

Winning in Hong Kong

Highlights from the RISE conference

Last week Brooke, Leighton and I attended the RISE conference in Hong Kong. RISE is a massive conference that brings together people from all over the world to talk about tech. There are speakers from some of the world’s biggest companies, alongside really early…

The Loop Issue # 8

Keeping you in the loop with Sharesies.

💖 Investing

As of yesterday afternoon — we’ve launched! Our Sharesies beta is now in 17 customers hands and we will roll out over the coming days/week to over 2,700+ who are…