Go to Shell Protocol
Shell Protocol
The Shell Protocol is a new system for the future of internet money, offering deep liquidity and fungible LP tokens to users. Version two launching soon.
Note from the editor

DeFi hub for users & builders. Breakthrough accounting architecture and AMM engine. Shell v1 trading pools out now, v2 soon. http://shellprotocol.io/discord

Go to the profile of Kenny White
Kenny White
Founder and Chief Economist at https://shellprotocol.io @white_kenny_
Go to the profile of Cairo Smith
Cairo Smith
CMO and anything else for Cowri Labs. Spreading the good word of the coming internet monetary system.
Go to the profile of Aleeza Howitt
Aleeza Howitt
Web3 superstar and business development at Cowri Labs. Working on shellprotocol.io. Occasionally tweeting at twitter.com/aleezagroks
Go to the profile of Chandler