Conspiracy fiction by way of anonymous sources

Dark Windows Open One Way — Part 2

Nixon, the FBI, and a top-secret agent

Austin Wilson


Originally printed in 2022. Available for purchase in a bundle here.

While Nixon was trying to stop the FBI looking into his totally illegal bullshit, the FBI was trying to keep its agents alive. Four days after Dick recorded himself in the White House, telling his chief of staff Haldeman to use the CIA as a weapon, an FBI field agent discharged a weapon in public.

Early that Tuesday morning, in D.C.’s Kalorama neighborhood, four shots were fired across the street from a pickup basketball game in Eloquence Park. You can tell what residents think of themselves from the park’s name.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests led to the FBI releasing documents — heavily redacted, of course — showcasing some details of what witnesses saw.

Shibboleth knows more than the FBI wants us to know, however. That means you’re about to know too.

Whoever the person firing their gun was, it’s a fact the FBI wouldn’t say or even print their name. No one could even whisper it. Or they could. But consequences. Now we know that name.

The agent was known as Meter.

Six of the ball players aid the same thing about what they saw that morning. The other four weren’t looking.

“There was nothing there,” witnesses said. “[They] shot at nothing.”

For some time, the prevailing theory, especially with local PD, was someone had a rough night and let the lead fly to try and make their crying feel manly. No one else was close though, intimately close like they’d need to be to see what the person popping off those shots saw.

We have a source who told us what happened. Before the shots were fired an entity just like the one that crawled up out of a Watergate parking lot stepped through a brick wall. It reached out for that FBI agent, codenamed Meter, who immediately fired.

The basketball payers said they saw all four shots but what they actually saw were three. They heard the first, turned, and saw Meter firing at “nothing.”

According to our source, one bullet went through the entity, three pass through nothing. The entity was a shadow inside the sidewalk. All of this comes from the same source who told us Meter’s codename.

And they’re ready to talk to us again.

>>>>Read the next part of DARK WINDOWS OPEN ONE WAY right now!



Austin Wilson

Writer with stories in Ahoy Comics, Black Hare Press, Magnetic Press, and Defenstration. Sci-fi, horror, and comedy. Hosts Ledger: A Writing Podcast.