Conspiracy fiction and a CRT monitor

Dark Windows Open One Way — Part 3

What is a “Limit”? Find out, fast!

Austin Wilson



Originally printed in 2022. Available for purchase in a bundle here.

Consequences in the FBI, normally, might mean reassignment or suspension. Paid. Always paid. We stumbled onto some not so normal consequences.

Compartmentalization is the rule in government. A program isn’t effective unless it hides another inside it, and really that only works if you can crack the second program open and find a third buried there.

Don’t worry how, but sometime recently Shibboleth accessed what’s called an “ash database” of the FBI’s. Basically, it’s the outline of where a lot of data was, with some of it still clinging on.

A program continued to run inside, waiting for a way out. Shibboleth accidentally gave it one. A good kind of accident, though. All of our tech was pinged, geolocated more accurately than they talk about publicy or even semi-publicly.

It could have been the end, but it was a beginning

>>>> Read the next part of DARK WINDOWS OPEN ONE WAY right now!



Austin Wilson

Writer with stories in Ahoy Comics, Black Hare Press, Magnetic Press, and Defenstration. Sci-fi, horror, and comedy. Hosts Ledger: A Writing Podcast.