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Geek Stuff

My Shocm Development Life: Developer and CTO Eric Van Johnson of The DiegoDev Group. A place to post stories and ramblings.
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My PHPStorm Gotham Theme

Inspired by one of my favorite Vim colorscheme vim-gotham, I created a very dark color theme for PHPStorm. You can download it here. Screenshot here.

To install just place the ICLS file in your PHPStorm directory with your other color themes. On my Mac that…

SDPHP and the GeekGirl Tech Conference

Good time at the #geekgirltechcon . #SDPHP there talking #PHP , Community, and development. Great time.

SDPHP — Google App Engine PHP

My presentation from tonight’s SDPHP Meetup. Some great discussions. Was happy to see so much interest in Google App Engines PHP offering. I think we could have been there all night talking about this.

SCALE 11x Interview: Mark Hinkle

This is my latest interview for SCALE11x which is coming up of Feb 22nd. This interview is with Mark Hinkle from Citrix.

Mark Hinkle works for Citrix as the Senior Director of Cloud Computing and will be speaking a couple times at SCALE11X. We…