Diary study for ShopBack OMO affiliate product — SBMart (part 3/3)

Amy Huang
ShopBack Tech Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 17, 2022


中文版 — ShopBack 日誌研究: OMO聯盟行銷 — 發票回饋 (Part 3/3)
Click to check out Part 1 and Part 2!


In the last article on SBMart research, we talked about how we collect, analyze data by using tools like Line, Excel, and Figjam board to help us visualize data. In this chapter, I am going to share more about my learning from this journey.

Learning from the Diary study

As a researcher with 7 years of experience, the Diary study is a research method I learned many years ago but never had a chance to practise and apply to product cases before. Compared to many Diary studies I have seen before in ethnographic conferences, this project is considered a much smaller scale one, with shorter timeframes. I’d like to share some of my learnings from my first diary study experience.

Let go of control

As qualitative researchers, we often watch users in action and follow up with questions in real-time, but not in Diary studies. Though we did a couple of pilot tests in advance, I was still anxious if I explained the study clearly enough to get quality data from our users.

A Diary study is not an in-depth interview eventually, many activities and unknown information are collected by a self-reported process, so we can’t expect every user to deliver the same quality of data.

It requires practise to let go of some control and enable users to freely explore on their own without a researcher watching. In the end, it’s important to remember that “it’s okay to collect imperfect data” because you can always follow up later during 1-on-1 interviews.

Allow extra days to collect data if possible

During the study, we learned that non-routine incidents can interrupt users’ behaviour, and impact data collection — we observed that users who had travel plans were less motivated to complete tasks in a limited timeframe. The delayed-report behavior can also be interpreted as — ‘there’s no explicit desire for users to access our app when they are in a non-routine situation.’

Thus, if we want to observe routine behaviour over the course of a week, allowing an extra 3–4 days for users to complete the task will significantly reduce stress for users, and the data would be much closer to their natural behaviours.

Research outcome & Validation

This research surprisingly provides a new perspective and problem area for the team to solve. Here are the top three key insights we learned from the research:

Designated entry VS Merchant logos

There’s a designated entry point to SBMart on the ShopBack home screen, but we found that displaying merchant logos is more attractive, and a quicker identifier for new users.

Ability to use receipt carrier impacted new user’s motivation

In Taiwan, people generally keep their receipts because of the bi-monthly receipt lottery held by the Ministry of Finance. Receipts in Taiwan can be in two forms — digital or printed. If anyone chooses to use a digital receipt, it requires an in-app carrier to store the receipts. Receipt carriers have been widely adopted in Taiwan due to environmental awareness and the convenience to enter the lottery.

Step 4, Scan or link receipt carrier is key step users had to do to get cashback

Providing a receipt is one of the key actions SBMart users have to take to prove their purchase of an item. We discovered that there’s a big denial from digital-receipt-users because they didn’t observe digital-receipt-options in SBMart. Users also misunderstood SBMart as being available only for printed receipts, due to the visual hints on our marketing campaign flyers.

“I don’t want to use it (SBMart) because it requires printed receipts. Printed receipts are printed with toxic inks on non-recyclable paper, and also occupy space in your wallet, so it’s not a good thing,” said the user.

User perceived message from the flyer: The service requires receipt to be printed.

Search results may lead to drop-offs for search-oriented user

We discovered there’s a type of user who shows search-oriented behavior — they search because they want to minimize time spent on shopping, and focus on specific products with high buying intent while they shop.

This led to the learning that search result accuracy, or how we handle cases where there are no search results can directly impact search-oriented users’ decision to continue using SBMart.

Triangulation of quantitative data

In recent practice, the research team tends to provide quantitative data to validate qualitative findings in the sharing session. We observe it generates more discussion and action items generated in the sharing session, which is favorable to see. There are three ways we leverage quantitative data

Survey results being investigated through diary study:

Existing users prefer Merchant logos to shortcuts: A recent survey we conducted shows existing users prefer to enter SBMart through merchant logos as well. We can further confirm the advantage of showing merchant logos for both types of users.

Diary study results are validated through analytics data.

The majority of our users are digital-receipt users: Existing digital-receipt users can be acquired in an earlier phase when the receipt carrier entry was still on the home screen. We identified the concern from digital-carrier users and the impact when the receipt carrier entry is unclear to users.

Funnel data results are being investigated through a diary study.

Conversion rate is low after search in SBMart: We discovered that the search conversion rate is not doing well. The qualitative finding helps us to learn why and who would care most in the search process. If we’d like to acquire more search-oriented users, we would need to address and improve problems like search result accuracy, and empty states for searches.


I am hoping this learning will be helpful for research practitioners to reference and learn how to conduct Diary studies for fast-paced projects. Like my reflection mentioned above, there are still many things that can be modified. I am thankful for this opportunity and thankful for the research team allowing researchers to experiment with new methods and quickly learn from them.

If you’re a researcher with past experiences in diary studies and would like to share your thoughts and inputs, we would love to hear them! Feel free to get in touch with us at Research@Shopback.com, follow us on ShopBack Design or Instagram for a chat!

Credit to Naning Utoyo, Iju Hsu, Helen Huang, 陳亭勻 (Selena) for supporting the research process and feedback, and Yishan and Shanty for polishing this article to make it better :)

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中文版 — ShopBack 日誌研究: OMO聯盟行銷 — 發票回饋 (Part 3/3)
Click to check out
Part 1 and Part 2!


上一篇文章中我們討論到發票回饋的研究中,我們如何在搜集還有分析過程中,利用不同的工具像是:Line, Excel, Figjam 來幫助我們視覺化資料。這個章節,我們將會去分享我在這個研究中的一些學習還有建議。








搜集資料途中,我們發現非慣性的事件可能會發生並且影響資料採集的時程。我們觀察到用戶有旅行計畫又被限制在期限中完成任務的時候,他們完成日誌研究的動力就會降低許多。這種拖延性回報的行為當然也可以被理解作為資料的一種 — 當新用戶在非慣性情況中,他們更沒有動力去使用我們的服務。




設計的入口 v.s 商家Logo


“能不能使用載具” 會影響新用戶的決定

在台灣多數的人會為了兩個月一次的統一發票兌獎而保存他們的發票,而發票的形式有兩種:可以被印出來,也可以被數位化的存放; 選擇數位存放的人會需要一個數位載體去存放發票,我們稱之為載具。載具在近幾年被廣泛地使用,除了減少印刷還大大增加了結帳效率兌獎效率等等。

第四步驟 掃描實體發票 或是連結線上載具是發票回饋重要的一個流程













Funnel 數據來輔佐日誌研究結果



希望我的這些學習可以對UXR有興趣的人,正在用UXR工具練習的同行們有幫助。就像我上面有的自省一樣,這過程中還有好多的細節可以進步可以更好。非常感激研究團隊 Naning Utoyo Iju Hsu,發票回饋團隊 陳亭勻 (Selena) Helen Huang 的大力支持,讓我主持這個研究並在這個研究中學習許多。

如果你也做過日誌研究也想要和我們分享您的想法,歡迎和我們聊聊,你可以透過 Research@Shopback.com聯繫我們, 或是追蹤我們 ShopBack Design 或是這裡Instagram

再次謝謝 Naning Utoyo, Iju Hsu, Helen Huang, 陳亭勻 (Selena) 在專案中的協助還有反饋。謝謝Yishan & Shanty 幫忙我校稿讓這篇文章更好。

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