Coffee Tales: Espresso

When you have to make a big decision

Mary Papas
Short Shorts


Photo by Andres Vera on Unsplash

John couldn’t postpone it any longer.

He wished he had more time, but he didn’t.

Time was running out.

He entered the first coffee shop he found. He headed to the first table he saw and ordered an espresso.

Whenever he had to make a big decision, he had to drink an espresso.

Major in math or physics?

Live in Los Angeles or New York?

Get a dog or a cat?

An espresso always helped him make the right decision.

As he was sipping his espresso, John knew he had to give an answer in one hour.

Stay with Melissa or Margaret?

If it was up to him, he would keep both. He would give a piece of his heart to Melissa, and another one to Margaret, and they would all live happily ever after.

Melissa and Margaret were not into sharing though. Maybe it was because they were both only children.

They gave him an ultimatum: It was either her … or her.

Taking his last espresso sip, John made up his mind.

It wouldn’t be her … or her.

It would be HIM.

Him alone.

Like my coffee tale series? Read Coffee Tales: Latte



Mary Papas
Short Shorts

Author, content creator, copywriter and translator. If writing didn't exist, I wouldn't have a voice. My books: