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Childhood experiences and lessons. E-mail jessjungton@gmail.com if you would like to submit a story for this publication.
Note from the editor

Childhood experiences and lessons. E-mail jessjungton@gmail.com if you would like to submit a story for this publication.

Go to the profile of Jessica Jungton
Jessica Jungton
Co-founder of The Writing Cooperative. I paint landscapes in portrait and smile at strangers.
Go to the profile of James Bekenawei
James Bekenawei
I tell pictures and snap stories on Instagram @bekexjj and at www.4unansweredprayers.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Mike Connell
Go to the profile of Andrea Thayer Ernst
Andrea Thayer Ernst
Including all of the necessary, unnecessary details.
Go to the profile of RuAnn Beckum Bottles
RuAnn Beckum Bottles
i like writing in lower case and talking face to face. bring me sweet iced tea and moonpies.
Go to the profile of Elisa
Special needs educator to be. Coffee Lover.