August Recap

Chris Daniels
Shrimp Society NFT
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2022

Hey Shrimp Family — we’re bringing back our monthly updates on the inner workings of the organization to:

  1. Show more transparency and clarity on programs, projects, and internal ops, and
  2. Because “Building in Community” is core to our ethos. Hopefully you see something that helps you in your business.

Let’s dive in.

State of the Shrimp

We kicked off August with our State of the Shrimp Address where we recapped the first half of the year and set our objectives for the second half of 2022.

Here’s the TLDR on the 2022 objectives:

  1. Launch Fellowship Accelerator Program
  2. Execute Community Activation Programs
  3. Transition to Sustainable Membership & Business Model
  4. Launch “Shrimp Dev” Developer Community
  5. Host Shrimpapalooza Event

Implemented Outseta CRM & Orbit Community Insights Tool

We (finally 😅) have a CRM system that works with our goals. We’re using Outseta and it’s been going great.

It allows us to do member-gating on website (Reef Club member site), create segments, do broadcast and automated emails, and it even does payments and subscriptions. Pretty neat nerdy CRM stuff.

We also implemented Orbit to better understand our community engagement.

Big fan of this. We finally have some cross-platform visibility to understand our most engaged members, who is drifting, and some baseline visibility.

Fellowship Accelerator Set for September

The major push in August for half the team was finalizing the Fellowship Accelerator program that is kicking off Sept. 26th.

We had over 60 applicants for the program and conducted interviews all August to select our top candidates. Acceptance emails go out on Friday.

A few wins we’re excited about:

  • We formed a partnership with The Lab Miami coworking space which will be our homebase for the entirety of the accelerator. Our cohort will receive free access to the Lab coworking space for the duration of the program as well.
  • We’ve lined up an incredible group of CEO mentors that will be teaching our Monday sessions
  • We’ll be offering both an Entrepreneur-in-Residence & and Operator-in-Residence

Builder Mastermind Launched, Kicking Off Sept. 6th

We’re excited to launch a new monthly virtual event called “Builder Mastermind”.

This monthly mastermind is for Shrimp members that are starting to launch a new idea, company, project, or other creative endeavor. Think of it like group office hours where we use the power of our community to provide feedback, be a sounding board, and connect resources to each person.

These will be held monthly on Discord in the Reef Lounge. The first one started Sept. 6th at 7pm.

Punchcard Loyalty Reward Card NFT Beta Launched

Our team is currently on an the beta of the Punchcard loyalty card and it’s pretty awesome. It’s clear to see how this is going to be a great tool for our community because we’ll have a direct record of member participation and a new way to incentivize members.

The beta with our first 20 members will roll out in the next 10 days once we work out some of the kinks internally.

Other Things

  • Hosted Community Q/A to hear questions from the community
  • Brought back Shrimp Spotlight in the Current Weekly Newsletter
  • Gave away 3 box seats to the University of Miami football season opener thanks to our friends at Miami Millionaires Club
  • Brought back Shrimp Tales podcast — expanding with guests from the community
  • We had a feature video thanks to our friends at Mana Tech 👇

