Go to Sigma Software
Sigma Software
Provider of IT consultancy, software development, support and R&D services for more than 15 years. The company unites software development experts, designers, support specialists and stimulates investigating new technologies & methodologies.
Note from the editor

Custom software development and IT consulting

Go to the profile of Yana Arbuzova
Yana Arbuzova
Content Manager at Sigma Software. Every word we share may influence other people. More words here: https://sigma.software/about/media
Go to the profile of Vera Soldatova
Go to the profile of Solomiia Khavshch
Go to the profile of Nicklaus Brain
Nicklaus Brain
* ex Sigma Software * ex-Teacher in Kharkiv Aviation Institute * GGJ enthusiast * Azure expert * Bolt OÜ * https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolay-mozgovoy/
Go to the profile of Mariia Shvetsova