New in Highrise — our Small Business CRM

Saved Filters, Bulk Email Improvements, And More

Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2018


Happy New Year! We hope you had a great time celebrating the holidays and the end of 2017. It’s been a cold start to ours here at Highrise Headquarters in Chicago, but we’re thawing out now. Though it’s back to 7F next week. Oh well, it keeps us inside working on this stuff for you :) We’ve got some great improvements, and it’s all setting us up for exciting things coming soon…

P.S. You can also follow more behind the scenes on how we design products, run the business, and try to just get through life at a YouTube channel I created.

Nathan Kontny
CEO, Highrise
YouTube / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

Saved Filters

Have you ever figured out just the right way you like to segment your contacts in Highrise? A combo of views, filters, and tags:

And then wanted to save that filter for next time?

You’ve always been able to bookmark the URL, but today we announce the ability to save your searches for anyone on your team to use:

Read more about Saved Filters here.

Bulk Email Filters

We released Broadcast bulk email as a new feature for Highrise just over 2 years ago.

Since then the usage of the feature has been going up and up:

And many customers have sent so many Broadcasts it’s now hard to find them if they’re looking for something sent awhile back.

So today to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of Broadcast, we introduce filtering for your bulk emails:

Read more about bulk email filters here.

Bulk Email Quota

Each paid Highrise account is allocated a rolling monthly quota of bulk emails equal to the number of contacts in their plan.

For example, accounts on our basic plan come with up to 5,000 contacts so can send 10 bulk emails to 500 contacts or 5 bulk emails to 1,000 contacts — any combination up to 5,000 bulk emails each month.

No extra charge, you pay the same $24 you’ve always paid for six users.

Many of our users have taken advantage of this, sending bulk emails, but never really knowing the limit (or whether there was one) as long as they didn’t hit the quota.

Today we announce a small, but useful feature to help you avoid composing and sending a message only to find you’re out of quota for the month:

Read more about bulk email quota here.

Simple Drip Campaigns

Have you noticed a theme in the features above? Coming soon to a Highrise near you:

Highrise Now Integrates with 1000+ Other Products

As one of the first cloud based CRMs, Highrise has had a wide array of direct integrations for some time. But now in addition to native integrations, Highrise connects to 1,000 other web tools with Zapier.

Read more about our Zapier integration.

Highrise Blog

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Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft ( Watch: Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO