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Signal v. Noise
Signal v. Noise
Strong opinions and shared thoughts on design, business, and technology. Since 1999. Work together the easy way with our all-new version 3 at https://basecamp.com
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New file upload and browsing in Basecamp 3 for Android

Summer brings 4 day work weeks at Basecamp, but that doesn’t mean the Android team takes a break. They just launched a new version of Basecamp 3 for Android, with an updated file browser to make attaching files to your Basecamp faster…

New in Basecamp for Android 3.4

The last update for their app was only a month ago, but Team Android at Basecamp has kept a steady pace to release a new version of the app, chock full of slick new screens and updates to features you already love. Here’s what you’ll find in the latest version, available…