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Signal v. Noise
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How do you plan out your vlog themes/scenes?

Billy Schrero asks about my incredibly popular YouTube channel. :) I kid, I kid. But it has been growing nicely, the videos are getting more and more engagement. It’s been a great learning experience. And this is another great question I’ve…

Most important vlogging advice?

One of the most popular and rapidly growing YouTube channels today is a “vlogger” (video blogger) named Casey Neistat. A big reason for that growth is Casey is a filmographer, not just any random citizen with a camera. He brought to YouTube the skills he honed while…

YouTube Tips and Tricks — Part #1

I’ve recently started a new YouTube channel to talk about the things I normally write about: psychology, science, and history, and how they intersect with helping us run better businesses. And it’s grown at a nice clip so far with over 340 subscribers. That’s tiny in…