Crypto World: Fake News And False Information

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3 min readNov 11, 2017

The meteoritic rise of Bitcoin has given followers of crytocurrencies to offer an endless string of explanations. Some are really well thought out: others, not so much.

It was particularly puzzling to read a CNBC authored story recently where the escalating price of Bitcoin was directly tied to the surge of ICO’s. The author states that investors must pay for ICO’s with Bitcoin!

There have been over 900 ICO’s in the past couple of years. I did not check each and every one, but the CNBC statement is ridiculous. It’s time for some eye opening facts. If you are thinking of making an ICO investment, you will want to read on.

The present value of Bitcoin is hovering around $125 billion more than four times the value of all Ethereum. Initial Coin Offerings are averaging about $350 million a month. Even if every ICO investment started with the purchase of Bitcoin, it would amount to less than 0.0028% of the current $125 billion Bitcoin value.

CNBC’s analysis looks pretty silly, but I see stuff like this almost everyday.

Here is a fun fact that the CNBC article ignored completely. It’s Ethereum’s open source platform that is facilitating the wave of ICO and the choice of so many companies seeking funding. The applications for their blockchain and Smart Contract features are winning more followers all the time.

By the time 2017 is in the record books, about $4 billion in capital will be raised using the Ethereum platform. Why is this important to you: excellent question for several reasons.

When you put your hard earned dough into an ICO, you are making two investments. Of course, the most important is the company seeking capital. The second is the Ethereum software platform that supports your company.

It is important to remember that Ethereum has been with us just a little over 27 months. In that period of time, it has participated in raising almost $4 billion and created almost $30 billion in value.

For participants in the SilentNotary this provides critical comfort knowing the technology behind the company has proven itself to nearly 1000 ICO’s. This is a silent testimonial for SilentNotary.

Adding To Ethereum is What Lightstamp Technology Is All About is the worlds first blockchain notary company. SN is enthusiastically committed to the Ethereum technology. This helps to give them first mover advantage in a global addressable market in the billions.

But, things don’t stop there. SN has developed Lightstamp (patent pending) that adds data falsification prevention technology to Ethereum. That’s a rock solid user benefit and a powerful weapon in creating trust.

With SilentNotary, Lightstamp benefits are as automatic as the click of the Send button.

The Customers We Serve

Everywhere trust and verification is required, there is a customer. Think Business to Business markets like Insurance, Artists, Contractors and Blockchain Land Registrations for governments and cities. In the Business to Consumer market we address 2.32 Billion Smart Phone users. Everything is streamlined with extensive use of mobile apps and chatbots.

Team SN: Created Lightstamp

The SN team totals 14 and growing. We are more than just code writing developers with another flashy new app. SN consist of financial and legal experts, product designers and marketing specialists. In addition to creating easy to use mobile apps and chatbots, we have developed Lightstamp, the best patent pending technology to eliminate the possibility of data falsification.

Coming Up Next

The main ICO is scheduled for November 2017, with 20% discount for those who register. So you are well advised to register to the Main ICO now. Don’t miss this great opportunity.

All of us need to contribute to restoring trust and confidence. Those of us at SilentNotary are doing our part and we look forward to having you join us.

James Waggoner, SilentNotary PR & Communication




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