
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2018

Founded by Max Breus and Aleksey Petrov in 2017, SilentNotary is the worlds first digital notary, using Ethereum blockchain technology that saves and certifies documents, emails, chats, audio and video recordings while securing authenticity.

SilentNotary engineers have developed a patented process Lightstamp that stamps stores and verifies the precise timing of events using a mobile device.

Features of SilentNotary Business

SilentNotary’s Ethereum based business model is designed for mobile users.

Mobile apps for iOS & Android. Already on beta stage.

  • Personal and corporate account functions;
  • Real-time video and audio recording capabilities;
  • Access to the Notary Vault for all the uploaded and certified content;
  • Real-time video recording using our innovative LightStamp Technology (in development);

Web interface

  • Personal and corporate account functions;
  • File upload functions;
  • Access to the Notary Vault for all the uploaded and certified content;

Chat-bots include all major formats and can be used to record any written conversation.

With Email-bot users can send a copy of their correspondence to the SilentNotary email address ( Emails will automatically be certified and stored in the Notary Vault.

Telegram Chat-bot. Features comprehensive functionality. Users gain access to all functions, including registering all communications and verifications.

Facebook Chat-bot.The first to use all options provided by Facebook. It understands how to assure and preserve all the correspondence and attached files.
The product is developed to be functional in a multi-chat mode as well.

WeChat Chat-bot. Captures 30% of all mobile users in China and SilentNotary is accessible on this platform as well.

Slack Chat-bot. The most popular corporate messenger is now integrated with the SilentNotary account. Simply add SilentNotary bot to any Slack channel, and all data (files, messages) will be certified.

LINE chat-bot, #1 instant messenger in Japan, it is also popular in Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia with 217 million monthly active users.

KakaoTalk chat-bot, #1 instant messenger in South Korea, used by 93% of smartphone owners, 220 million registered and 49 million monthly active users.

These features provide a permanent unalterable record for licensing agreements, copyrights, verbal and chat agreements. For the first time every verbal or written discussion leading up to a legally binding event can be captured, time stamped and stored.

Global Markets

Company founders intend to use first mover advantage to build an ecosystem of services.

Everywhere where trust and verification is required, there is a customer. This includes Business to Business markets like Insurance, Artists, Contractors and Blockchain Land Registrations for governments and cities. In the Business to Consumer market we address 2.32 Billion Smart Phone users. Everything is streamlined through the use of mobile apps and chatbots.

Measuring Traction

In the Business to Government market, SilentNotary recently sign two agreements with the Naro-Fominsk district of Moscow. With these agreements, SilentNotary technology will be used in a state land inspection to certify land-use development and in control over burial cites. This is just one of many opportunities of this type.

Peer Presentations

SilentNotary’s expertise and knowledge are being recognized daily by the technology community. On November 20, Company founders Max Breus and Aleksey Petrov spoke before the prestigious Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization (EECO) to enlighten its members on SilentNotary’s technology and mission.

The occasion was an Economic Forum held in Moscow attended by delegates from China, Germany, Russia, India and Greece.

Here is a five-point highlight of what attendees applauded from the SilentNotary presentation:

  • Eighty percent of the world’s population cannot afford legal services. SilentNotary makes these services both available and affordable.
  • Ethereum blockchain platform offers Smart Contracts using proven algorithms. The chance of error is close to zero.
  • Service is available 24/7 offering ease of use.
  • Increased trust through absolute protection of information.
  • Turnkey solutions are offered that always allows the user to know how much he pays as well as the results.

James Waggoner




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