MSB Pitch Night — December 2017

Athula Bogoda
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2017
Dec’17 MSB Pitch Night. Photo John Webster
Brionne from Sell Downloads. Photo John Webster

Our last Pitch Night for the year.
231 RSVPs on Meetup. Actual number attending, maybe about half that (we don’t count). Not bad for a rainy summer night in Melbourne.

Royal Melbourne Hotel was packed to the rafters with four separate events happening. The main atrium had our new mates from Sydney, DevOps Meetup Madness hosting their bi-annual ChilliOps meetup. We were able to chat briefly with their organiser, Stephen Wallace about helping kick start the struggling Silicon Beach in Sydney. More about that in a future post.

Cullen from Silicon Beach Radio Talking to Linda from Simpateco.
Saleching guys. Photo John Webster

It was great to see 12 pitches on the list two days before the event. 12 is about the maximum number we could have allowing for sponsors, partners and a few impromptu pitches. We try to keep the pitch segment under one hour. Thanks to some super quick pitches (there was one that came in under 20 seconds!) and a couple of no shows, we were able to finish the pitch segment in under an hour. Well done everyone.

Richard — FlexiSourceIT. Photo John Webster

Everyone had yummy food prepared by our venue sponsor, Royal Melbourne Hotel, thanks to our Sponsor of the Night, Simbisa Law.

Thanks to our Event Hosts on the night — Alexar, Alex, Cullen, Dan, Linda & John. Special thanks to Cullen from Silicon Beach Radio for all the videos and John Webster for the photos. Brilliant!

Here’s the Pitch Video. Enjoy!

MSB Pitch Video December 2017. Video by Cullen Pope

4:30 Luke from Simbisa Law — main sponsor, December Pitch Night.
8:05 Thanks to the other sponsors not present on the night
Wade Institute
Pivot Summit
Chat Metrics

9:00 Meetup Madness
9:50 Stuart. Coworkation
15:20 Linda. Simpatico

90 Second Pitches
17:15 Brionne. Sell Downloads
19:55 Zubin. Whooshka
21:00 Hamza. Looktime. Video
23:54 Suren. SaleChing
26:10 Joshua. M8srates
27:05 Ronan. Eccountability
29:05 Tim. 360-Rooms
31:50 Eli. QbestA
33:50 Daniel. General Development Systems
37:00 Blockchain Centre
39:05 Bradley Birchall
41:45 Kyle. Flive app
44:15 Richard. Flexisource IT
47:00 Jay. Jaytec Security Systems
49:10 Alexar (co-organiser)PauseFest 2018 and wrap up.
Join us on Slack

30 Second Job Pitches
40:45 Johann — Industrial Designer, just graduated from RMIT

Anyone looking for a job or wanting to hire, please post here.

Thank you everyone for keeping the pitches short and sweet and for respecting our ban on pitch decks. A new trend is emerging with YouTube replacing PowerPoint. We might have to limit or ban YouTube videos that go over 60 seconds. Please remember to keep the total time, i.e. video + your pitch to 90 seconds or less. It should be an elevator pitch. See SiliconSchool for some links to good resources on elevator pitches and pitching in general.

Sponsor Silicon Beach and help us empower Australia’s future startup founders. SiliconNews, Silicon Beach TV and Silicon Beach Radio won’t be able to function without sponsorship. More events, projects and new Silicon Beach communities all over Victoria and Australia will happen only if we get continued sponsorship. We don’t get any government funding.

Have a fabulous holiday season and see you in 2018. RSVP here to our next MSB Pitch Night in February.



Athula Bogoda

CEO : Silicon Beach Group, Lead Organiser: Melbourne Silicon Beach. Driving Australia to #2 startup nation in the world by 2025.