[Exercise] Method of exercising wisely

Heesun Choi
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2022

- If you want to prevent deterioration of cognitive capabilities, you need to continuously perform muscle strength exercise and aerobic exercise ‘more than 3 times a week’.

- Select appropriate exercise with considerations for your body condition and age.

- You must do warm-up and cool-down exercises prior to and after exercising.

- You need to supplement moisture in your body at the time of exercising by drinking 1.5 ~ 2 liters more water than the recommended daily quantity.

🏋️ Exercising wisely according to your age

In order to prevent deterioration of cognitive capabilities, you need to do muscle strength exercise and aerobic exercise continuously for ‘more than 3 times a week’. If you do exercise only for your lower limb or exercise not appropriate for your body conditions, you could be injured.

We introduce ‘tip for exercising wisely’ appropriately for your age and body condition today.

🌟 Exercise customized for each age bracket

- 30’s

- Prevention of aggravation of spinal and joint health due to lack of exercise needs whole body exercise with a lot of movements

- Example: Running, swimming, walking up the stairs, yoga, soccer, spinning and body fitness, etc.

- 40’s

- Prevention of adult diseases through weight control needs muscle strengthening exercise using light-weight devices

- Example: Continuous exercise for weight control such as golf, swimming and walking, etc., and exercise using light-weight devices such as 1kg dumbbell or 500ml PET bottle filled with water

- 50’s

- Need exercise aimed at elevating the flexibility of muscles and sense of balance (need at least10 minutes of stretching before exercise to prevent injuries)

- Example: Free-hand exercise such as yoga and gymnastics, etc., and riding exercise bike at slow speed of about 5km/hr.

- 60’s

- Need exercise helpful in protecting joints and maintenance of physical stamina

(In the case of females in particular, supplementation of vitamin D through outdoor activities is essential to prevent osteoporosis)

- Example: Continuous exercising for more than 20 minutes a day at low intensity including stretching, hypogastric breathing, walking on flat surface and gymnastics, etc.

In particular, you must start exercise by checking your body conditions as you enter the stage of 40’s. Let’s find out the precautions necessary at the time of exercising.

🌟 General guidelines for exercising

🌟 Before exercising: 5 minutes of warm-up exercise

- First, preheat the body with warm-up exercise

- Range of movement can be increase through relaxing of muscles.

- Warm-up exercise will prevent injuries during exercise.

- Second, start after having taken 30 minutes of rest after meal.

- Start exercising after having taken at least 30 minutes of rest after hearty meal in order to ensure harmonious digestion of food. (You could start exercising immediately if you had a light meal.)

- Third, consume carbohydrates

- Carbohydrates are digested and stored in muscles as ‘glycogen’ and it is recommended that your consume carbohydrates such as grains 3~4 hours prior to exercising.

🌟 During exercising: Over-exercising is strictly prohibited

- First, stop exercising if there are abnormal symptoms such as pain or dizziness, etc.

- If you experience abnormal symptoms such as pain or dizziness, etc. during exercising, stop immediately and take rest.

- For example, take rest immediately on the day you experienced pain during exercising and resume exercising when the body conditions have been recovered at least after a day.

- Second, refrain from exercise with fast pace or high intensity movements from the start.

- Third, do not eat anything other than water during exercising (however, drink sufficient water).

🌟 After exercising: Need cool-down exercise and supplementation of moisture

- First, do cool-down exercise

- Do cool-down exercise to return the physiological reactions of exercising (heart rate and blood pressure) to normal state.

- Second, check whether you need to supplement moisture once more

- Since moisture is excreted through sweating during exercise, it is necessary to immediately supplement moisture.

- You must ensure that you do not experience dehydration or severe thirst and need to drink 1.5~2 liters more water than the daily recommended quantity.

- Third, check the intensity and duration of exercise and increase one of the 2 one by one

- Check the intensity and duration of exercise for the day and increase them gradually.

- It is advisable to increase one of the 2 one by one in order to ensure there is no exercise overload.

- It is recommended that you increase the intensity and duration by less than 10% per week..

Blindly sweating intensively is not a good exercise method. We hope that you will restore vitality in your life by continuing exercise joyously and safety without injuries.

