3 Ways Leaders Can Cultivate a Learning Culture and Build Insanely Curious Product Teams

You have to remove what’s in the way.

Todd Lankford
Lean Leverage


Curious teams eclipse teams who simply do what they’re told.

As a manager of product teams, you have to create the right environment for learning. When you manage, many of the traditional actions you perform get in the way of team curiosity. But if you shift to leadership, you can remove the barriers toteam learning potential.

By the time you finish this post, you will have three practical methods to amplify team curiosity.

Why is this an advantage? It’s simple: these teams can leverage learning to deliver the right product, in the right way, at the right time.

This year, I’ve committed my focus to a concept called lean leverage, as described in my inaugural 2024 post. Each article I craft this year, including this one, will focus on an aspect of lean leverage. Enjoy and stay tuned for many ways to do more with less.

3 ways leaders can cultivate a learning culture.

I have partnered with managers in over twenty companies to shift to a leadership stance. And I have personal experience as a manager struggling through this transition. With every management team I consult today, I use and evolve the three patterns we are about to review. You can take them and apply them to your context today.



Todd Lankford
Lean Leverage

Hi–I’m Todd. I help managers and product teams maximize outcomes while respecting people. https://www.coachlankford.com