[METAMASK] METAMASK installation

胡家維 Hu Kenneth
Singapore Blockchain-Dapps
6 min readMar 7, 2018


MetaMask is the easiest way to interact with dapps in a browser. It is an extension for Chrome or Firefox or Opera that connects to an Ethereum network without running a full node on the browser’s machine. It can connect to the main Ethereum network, any of the testnets (Ropsten, Kovan, and Rinkeby), or a local blockchain such as the one created by Ganacheor Truffle Develop.

My Blockchain application demo is based on METAMASK. You can play my application with METAMAST but you have testcoin first.


What you will need

Step 1 : install web browser — Chrome / Firefox / Opera

Step 2: download/ install metamask by your web browser




Metamask allows you to sign Ethereum transactions without running a full Geth node.

Setting up Metamask

First install Metamask if you haven’t already here.

In the top right corner of Chrome you should now see the cute Metamask fox.

Click on the icon and let’s start creating your Ethereum wallet!

You have to scroll it to the bottom first so as to enable the accept button.

。Main page will show up after clicked “Accept” button. Metamask will create a default account — Account 1.


Account : Metamask will create a default account — Account 1. You can change account name but it would not update it into Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum blockchain only know your account address.

To change name, moving mouse to account name. “Edit” will be displayed. You can change the name by clicking the “Edit”

Ethereum network

Ethereum has one public main network and three public test network, namely Ropsten, Kovan and Rinkay. MetaMask does not only support pubic main network and public test network but also support private network. You can swithc between these network by MetaMask.

MetaMask Accounts

You can change account by icon. Each account exists in public main network and three public test networks and your balance will be display by your selected network. For example. you have 1 Ether in main network. You will see 1 Ether when you select main network. But your balance will become 0 ether when you select to other network.


1. You cannot delete the account. You only can reinstall MetaMask . Please export your private key first If you want to do that.

2. Don’t create too many account. It will become very slow.

Import account

There are two options to import account — JSON file and Private key. JSON file is usually generated by Ethereum wallet. Private Key is usually exported by MetaMask or you can extract from JSON file. Prefer to the export private key session.


You can click “…” .

> View account on Etherescan :

You can view your account on Etherescan. You can view all about your account on Etherescan but be careful which etherescan website you are in.

My account : https://etherscan.io/address/0xb377f01ba1b3f5cf9717bd13db3efb47f5dbdbb1

> Show QR Code : QR Code is presented as your account. You can give it to other people when they want to transfer Ether/Token to you. You don’t give him a long code. You can try to scan my QR code and then transfer ether to me. I will appreciate for your donation. haha

>Copy Address to clipboard : It is easy for you to past your account.

>Export Private Key: Be careful. You should export your private key at the first time and keep it carefully. Once metamask or your computer crash, you can restore your account by your private key. You can try to export your private key on your computer and then import your private key on other computer.


> Reveal Seed Words. : It is used to get your wallet seeds. You also have to be careful to protect it. Hacker can control your account by your wallet seeds. You should write it down but not keep it in your computer.

Buy and Send

> Buy : You can buy Ether from coinbase or ShapeShift but I have never use that before.

> Send : You can transfer ether by this function but it will take a while to confirm whether you transfer successfully or not.

Step 1: Copy recipient address and then put it into Recipient Address field and fill in amount you want to transfer.

Step 2: click “SUBMIT”

Step 3 : view your transaction on your account page. You can view your transaction on Etherescan by clicking the amount on your account page.


Please refer to my another article — Adding ERC20 tokens into MetaMask

I’ve used metamask to take part in ICOs and develop my Dapps. You try my applications with Metamask — http://www.kennethhu.net/example/ethereum/index.html

I’ve also used it to make trades on the decentralized exchange etherdelta and MyEtherWallet, and just out of paranoid precaution, I only store the amount of ether that I want to use to invest or trade, I don’t use metamask as a storage option, I use is more as a medium for investing or trading.

Donation 0.01 Ether to me : 0xf2d15dEAf62b8c4AFC0343006579E8E662c120D9

Email : Kenneth_hu@hotmail.com



胡家維 Hu Kenneth
Singapore Blockchain-Dapps

撰寫任何事情,O型水瓶混魔羯,咖啡愛好者,Full stack/blockchain Web3 developer,Founder of Blockchain&Dapps meetup ,Udemy teacher。 My Linktree: https://linktr.ee/kennethhutw