Challenges on social media and how to overcome

SinglePost Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2018

Every time we open social media, we could see brands that are successful in reaching their voice to the target audience with social media marketing.

And you might be wondering, why you are not getting good results or what you’re doing wrong?

Social media marketing is hard. But not hard enough to get scared to jump in. Here are some of the important challenges you’ll have to overcome for successful marketing.

Planning and scheduling

The very first challenge your business will have to come across on social media is developing an effective posting strategy. Plan your set of social media objectives for a period to meet your business and marketing goals. Build a social calendar and a content strategy. Keep your content more visual, find the best time and schedule your posts beforehand.

You can use tools like Canva to create a design for your post and there are post scheduling tools to help you share it anytime. Or use SinglePost to do both designing and scheduling from one platform.

Identifying the right audience

Social media marketing is all about the audience- finding new ones and maintaining the ones you already have. Identify your target audience from the millions social media users by their common interests, likes, dislikes, gender, age etc.

But first, find the social media channels that are right for you. The right channel is the one where your target audience is. It’s good to have your profile across all platforms but make sure it is not lying inactive. Dead profiles create a bad impression. If it seem difficult for you to manage multiple profiles, either you could use a social media management tool, or limit yourself only to one or two platforms.

Responding and commenting

With social media, you can respond or interact directly with your customers. Answer their questions and get their feedback in real time. You can refer people to your site while commenting on relevant questions. Don’t ignore comments and mentions you receive on Social media. Participate in meaningful, witty conversations with your followers and also try to provide customer service for the issues they point out.

Driving traffic to the website

Share your blog posts on your social media accounts every time. Make your profile attractive. Fill in the about and bio section on social media with details of your business. Make sure that your website’s url is visible in your profile page. This could give validity to your profile and direct users to the website. Use call to action to let your audience know where we want them to go.

ROI and measurements

Social Media Return on Investment or ROI is a measurement of the efficiency of your social media marketing. It difficult to find the exact answer if your effort had paid off well. But it's not impossible. There are multiple tools to help you in tracking your ROI. Track and review the result of your social media campaign to find out if it was worth your money. And, keep the result in mind the next time you set the campaign and its goal.

Generating Leads

Leads are simply people who have shown some interest in your business and the one you can follow up with. You can try social media advertising to generate leads from your potential customers. Running contests, webinars, live videos etc could also help you in getting leads.

Consistency and Engagement

Consistency is the key to social media engagement. Being consistent increases your audience engagement and reach. Share what is relevant and show what you are. Be consistent in content, posting, and your online communication. This could help your audience to recognize your brand.


It doesn’t happen overnight. Your business on social media is a long-term plan. Overcome such challenges and you can see your business growing on social media eventually.

Social media management tools like SinglePost makes it easier for you to overcome any social marketing challenges you’ll have to face. Get the help of your favourite tool and plan your marketing.

