Meet Renata, the First Graduate of SingularDTV’s Blockchain Bootcamp

Published in
5 min readAug 30, 2017

An organic, community-driven undertaking by our Puerto Rico team, Blockchain Bootcamp is inspiring newcomers with knowledge.

As the decentralization movement grows, it’s important to remember that real success — the empowerment of individuals all over the world — is contingent upon everyday people coming to understand and engage with the blockchain and digital currency on their own terms. This is a central ethos in the development of SingularDTV’s Contact Centers, physical home bases in Zurich, Shanghai, and Puerto Rico that serve functions ranging from technical support to community outreach as they present a human face to the global blockchain revolution in their local regions.

Even in these early stages of the Contact Centers, the grassroots growth and engagement from this decentralized, worldwide human network is clear to see, and is perhaps best exhibited in the organic development of SingularDTV’s Blockchain Bootcamp.

In response to the eagerness to learn shown by locals in San Juan and S-DTV community members over the Summer, the Puerto Rico Contact Center put together a 3-day bootcamp course that encompasses everything decentralization, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and SingularDTV. Dubbed “Blockchain Bootcamp,” the course bears the intention of equipping newcomers with enough information to make their own way in this new world, and as it turns out, often has the effect of turning total newbies into full-blown advocates of the decentralization phenomenon.

One of the first people to participate in the course was Renata M, a health educator and entrepreneur from Brazil (via Florida). Having supported SingularDTV since before the launch, she’s become an active member of the S-DTV community and has grown into an educated, empowered advocate of decentralization, thanks largely to her participation in the Blockchain Bootcamp…

We think Renata’s story is a great example of everyday people empowering themselves with the decentralization movement, so we asked her as few questions…

Tell us a bit about your background and how you got involved with SingularDTV…

I am a health coach and educator. I worked with movies in the past a long time ago, and I’ve known (SingularDTV CFO and Co-Founder) Arie Cohen for a while. When Zach first explained SingularDTV to me, it blew my mind, even though I didn’t know much about blockchain technology. I totally fell in love with the project. I thought it was amazing. So when the launch came around, I supported it!

What struck you most about the SingularDTV project?

Integrity. Since the beginning, that’s one of the most important things about SingularDTV is the integrity of the project. It’s not about getting rich quick, it’s not just about trading. Of course, people will make money, and that’s great, but the goal is bigger than that. As an early contributor, I ended up with a lot of SNGLS. I was really surprised! But I don’t trade. I’m holding my SNGLS for the project. I could have made many times my money exchanging, but I didn’t want to. I wanna see how this is gonna go.

What was it like participating in the blockchain community for the first time?

It’s very exciting to be chatting to people in London or India or China in the same (Slack) channel, but I was totally new to this area. The language they use and everything — it was crazy! It’s inspiring for me, but also a whole new language. I realized that I really needed to get educated. You have to learn. The only way to really embody the system, you have to live it. You have to really experience it by your own. Asking someone to do it for you, that’s not blockchain. That’s not decentralization.

So you took your education into your own hands…

I was staying in Florida. I wanted to take the idea of being my own economy seriously. Right away, when I had the time, I booked the first plane to Puerto Rico, showed up at the Contact Center, and was like ‘I’m gonna do this! I wanna learn everything!” They had just started the Blockchain Bootcamp, and I was one of the first people to ever get to experience it. The Bootcamp was really fun. It was intense! My brain was burning by the end of the day. It’s a lot of information. The group they have are young people, with a nice energy, and so open to receiving anyone who comes. They received me really well. It was just great. To learn about blockchain and decentralization with people, in a group, was very nice. And I love Puerto Rico too, so that helps!

How do you feel Blockchain Bootcamp helped you?

When I came back, I was really inspired. I felt my education was really good. I understand a lot more about the blockchain and how to manage digital currencies, everything from using the wallet to understanding exchanges. A lot of people don’t know how this works. If you are an investor in SNGLS, it’s a must. If you’re gonna preach about Singular, you gotta know what you’re talking about.

What are you going to do next?

I am someone who really likes to go deep, and I’ve decided that I am going to help educate people around the world. I am Brazilian. I’m gonna go to Brazil to teach people and take part there. People are really excited by new technologies and there is a strong interest in SingularDTV in Brazil already. Before, people would ask me about cryptocurrency and I wouldn’t feel comfortable enough to explain it all. Now, it’s one of my goals to help them learn just like I did…

The project has been so successful that SingularDTV will soon roll out a digital edition of Blockchain Bootcamp. Learn more about SingularDTV’s Contact Centers, and check out our announcement of Liga De Artistas, an exclusive, upcoming S-DTV channel featuring underground artists from all over Puerto RicoSingularDTV Social Media:

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SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry.