Singularity Fund — Weekly report #19

Singularity Fund
Singularity Fund
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017

Weekly report from October 3 to October 10

Net Asset Value and Performance of the fund

NAV on October 10= $17.52

Performance from October 3 to October 10= -2.57%

Performance from May 31 to October 10= 185.13%

NAV evolution between May 31 and October 10

Last week, in the Singularity Fund report, we explained that the recovery of the market was mostly benefiting BTC (Bitcoin). This week, is was clear that the rally of BTC was the result of investors selling their other cryptoassets and increasing their position in BTC in order to speculate on the two potential Bitcoin forks (Oct. 25 and Nov. 19). Bitcoin tested the $5000 level before decreasing slightly. The overall impact on the Fund was quite neutral, most of the positions remained relatively stable and a few losses were compensated by gains on BTC.

Fund Composition on October 10

Fund crypto-assets allocation on October 10

BTC 12.75%
ETH 12.33%
BCH 0.84%
IOT 3.92%
NEO 7.01%
LINK 14.80%
OMG 10.82%
ZRX 11.37%
CND 5.79%
XRL 4.37%
SAN 1.70%
NMR 0.30%
CVC 4.53%
FCT 1.20%
TNT 0.44%
ENJ 3.29%
Dmarket 2.02%
SNM 0.74%
BNT 0.41%
TKN 1.39%

Singularity Fund links

NAV (Net Asset Value):

We also recommend reading our Performance Analysis report, where we compare the performance of the Singularity Fund to the performance of three benchmarks: Bitcoin, Ether, and CRIX (crypto index).

